On June 6th 2011, a two week expedition under the name “Windborne” (PL: Wiatrem Gnane) sailed to the wreck located in the area of the Słupsk Shoal. The main goal of the expedition was to conduct rescue archeological research on the wreck discovered during preliminary studies of the seabed. The diagnosis of the site was conducted by the Maritime Institute in Gdansk, commissioned by generpol Ltd., which plans the investment in offshore wind farms in this area. The photographic documentation and measurements were carried out during the research on the wreck. 12 cast iron cannons were pulled from the seabed. Four of them are now in the conservation lab of Polish Maritime Museum in Gdańsk and the remaining 8 have been transported to the underwater archeological museum located on the Gdańska Bay. During the expedition the crew has also provided a recognition of the remaining of another wreck located a few hundred meters from the cannons. The divers found, among other, pottery, navigational instruments, glassware and stoneware, which may probably be dated on the 17th century. After the maintenance process the findings will enrich the exhibition of the Polish Maritime Museum in Gdańsk. It is worth to underline that “Windborne” is the first project for the protection of maritime cultural heritage, which involved the potential of so many entities representing public and private sectors. It took few months of preparations, everything was strictly confidential, the team was working two weeks on the sea in unfavorable weather conditions and all these to protect the cannons from destruction and robbery, to protect the maritime heritage. Only thanks to the experience and great commitment of the whole crew “Windborne” was successfully completed.